Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Your silence denotes your consent!

letter to the editor of the Hendersonvlle Times-News:

A few weeks ago I wrote a letter about the rally at BRCC that had been billed as a town hall meeting (see September 13 entry). It was sponsored by Charles Taylor, and featured Ton Tancredo on immigration reform. I asked for honest discussion on the issue, not just prejudiced rhetoric! I challenged people of faith to respond with voices of reason and tolerance. The only response I heard was from this newspaper’s editor who wrote about the same issue the next day.

Do you know what you are supporting with your silence on this and other important issues? Tancredo also spoke in South Carolina the same day he was in Hendersonville. He addressed the neo-Confederate hate group League of the South; he stood behind a podium draped in a Confederate battle flag.

When you do not respond to this kind of extremism you give your consent for Taylor and his right wing buddies to continue their agenda for this country. Your silence and your lack of attention at the voting booth tell them its okay to cozy up to white supremacist groups that promote violence! Are you content to let these people continue to run our country?

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