Monday, July 23, 2007

Is Our Country's Government Already a Theocracy?

Bush Makes God an Argument for Iraq War

A Dangerous Justification by Faith

Financial Cost of This Illegal and Immoral War

A new Congressional Research Service study reported that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now cost $12 billion per month. When that monthly price tag is compared to the $10 billion per year it would cost to educate the world's 800 million children under six years old, the contrast opens up a real debate on what truly makes for national and global security.

excerpt from Jim Wallis' God's Politics Blog

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bush and NPR

Yesterday the House of Representatives voted 357-72 to reject the Bush administration's plan to eliminate funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This is a great example of how Bush/Cheney and the gang are so completely out of touch with, not only the American people, but also any sense of civility and concern for what is really important and right!

What about the 72 who voted to end the funding? That's simple - they have sold out totally or they have a constituency who also does not have a clue!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Party For The Planet

Click HERE

for information on the Virtual Town Hall on Climate, and details on the DVD screening this Saturday, July 7, 4:00 PM, at the Hendersonville library auditorium. The video is around 30 minutes and we will discuss it no more than 30 minutes (unless you want to stay longer). You can be on your way to dinner or other activities by 5:00 PM.

A Prayer for Independence Day