Thursday, July 07, 2005

Terrorism at its worst - thanks to GWB

Today's bombings in London tells us once again how easy it is for terrorists to do whatever they want to do. British "defense" against terrorism is just as good as ours is; or should I say, ours is not any better than theirs. Today also reminds me again of how terrorism is worse around the world than before 9/11, mostly because of the behavior of George Bush and the neo-conservatives (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, and others) who tell him what to do.

Just a reminder to all of us: The occupation of Iraq has claimed the lives of more than 1,740 Americans (over 100,000 Iraqis) and wounded 13,190; eight soldiers have been wounded for every one killed, about double the rate in Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf War. The percentage of soldiers who have undergone amputations is twice that of any of our past military conflicts; nearly a quarter of all the wounded suffer from traumatic head injuries. The cost of the war today is more than $200 billion. Yet, Bush continues to dissemble. He spoke again last week of the false connection between 9/11 terrorism and the Iraq War.

Americans are starting to see past the deception. The Zogby poll ( shows Bush's approval rating has sunk to 43%. If Bush did fix facts around policy, as the Downing Street Memo states, Zogby found that 42% would support impeaching him. (By comparison, 39% supported Clinton impeachment.)

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