Thursday, July 21, 2005


So many periodicals and news writers have gone to the trouble of analyzing the Harry Potter phenomenon. Anita Oliver in "Adventist Review" concentrates her concern on five points: (1) The use of power; (2) revenge; (3) the struggle between good and evil; (4) imagination; and (5) the occult.

Following is a letter to the editor from a person in Norway:

" Being a blue-eyed Scandinavian, I can't help wondering why evangelical Americans are so concerned about J. K. Rowling's fantasy product Harry, while they support a real-life president who certainly (1) gives the world a strong example of the use of power to show off; (2) threatens the world with revenge and actually does it; (3) forces all of us to take sides with him or against him in the struggle between what he defines as good and evil; (4) shows signs of a vivid imagination or limited knowledge about the world; and (5) claims to be Christian but behaves and speaks as a heathen cowboy.

Whom should we primarily warn our children about following? The imaginary Harry Potter, or the pretend-to-be-real U.S. president George W. Bush? "

I sure wish I had written that!!!

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