Monday, September 05, 2005

Right Wingers can move quickly when it benefits their fundamentalist ideology!

Bush moved within 33 hours to announce his replacement for Chief Justice Rehnquist (and 24 of those were on a Sunday - you know, church and all that stuff); it is pretty amazing how everything was in place to move quickly. It reminds me of how quickly he moved this country into an illegal and unnecessary war with no idea or concern about what would happen in the long run.

But Bush waited until two days after Katrina hit -- and a day after levee breaks in New Orleans, to get off his ass in Crawford and return to Washington to oversee the government's response. I guess Cheney called and said he was just to busy with everything else and needed some help! Or is it true, that he figured those poor black people were warned to get out - they should have taken care of themselves! Nevermind that they could not take care of themselves, largely because of Republican policies! Maybe he and all you other right wing fundamentalists need to be reminded that the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is not biblical!

And right wingers are saying, "...we can't be blaming people, we just need to get in there and get the job done..." That also reminds me of Iraq - oh, we can't be talking about how we lied to everyone to go to war; we just need to be taking care of what needs to be done!

One more thing: the flags were ordered to half mast yesterday - for Judge Rehnquist! Once again, nevermind those thousands dead and dying in New Orleans - they are just not important enough!

It will take generations for this country to recover from the damage done by this administration; and its religious fundamentalist friends!

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